Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day...a day to remember all those who have sacrificed for our freedom, all those who have given their lives so we can live in this country, in the style we have become accustomed, a day to realize freedom isn't free, it comes with blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices by everyday heros. We are grateful, we are proud, we are blessed, we are the United States of America. Thank you God for this great nation, for all those who worked and died for us to live.

In the tradition of this holiday, we ate BBQ, raised our flag, gave thanks and lite candles for those who have gone before us. Bill, Fritz and I went to see OMESA for the first time in a month. It seems that most of the work has been to the pool, the barn, the antique wood floors, tile and iron work. Here are some photos taken with my cell phone and certainly they don't do justice to the work.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Antique American Oak Floors

...200 year old American Oak. This is what the wood looks like before it is stained and polished. Custom Floors from Houston, Texas headed by Lorraine ( I call her the Floor Goddess), installed the floors in Casita #2 this week. They will be finished with a chocolate color stain. The board widths vary from 8 inches to 14 inches in width. Handsome.....

Not just a swimming pool....

Check out the view beyond the pool. It is Enchanted Rock, the second largest granite outcrop in the USA ( Stone Mountain in Georgia is larger). We purposely set the house on the mesa with the front door in direct line to Enchanted is quite stunning. My iphone photo doesn't do it justice.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

TILE...the floors and decorative surfaces

Mike Childs and his crew started the decorative tiles in the casita bathrooms ....and oh how beautiful! I am thrilled with the antique look in these custom made tiles. Each room has a signature color with a tile symbol representing an equal arm cross, the sacred symbol of the divine in perfect balance, both masculine and feminine. This is the shower in Casita #2, the sage bath.