Saturday, August 13, 2011

HOME...what is this exactly? today was one of those impressionable days that lingers, that changes your life, that makes you stronger in faith, that matures you, that leaves your heart heavy and joyfilled at the same time. I attended the Memorial Service for Rob Reeves, one of the 22 Navy Seals who died last week in a tragic helicopter accident. People gather in his HOMETOWN. Saint Mark's Cathedral was packed with 100Navy Seals, family, friends and serviceman from all across the country, paying tribute to a fallen hero.

And somehow building O'mesa just doesn't seem important today as I wrestle the idea of HOME. ...seems this young warrior had his earhly home on his back, kinda like a turtle. HOME was wherever he was......yep, he is HOME now once again...that is... he's returned to his sacred HOME. The HOME from which we start and the HOME we return to...and all this fuss in between seems pointless, at least today.

Rob and the 21 others who died last week are only part of the millions who have died so I can go to Tinseltown and eat popcorn, build O'Mesa on a hillside, practice Christianity, live my dreams or not live my dreams, live FREE...

...and unless you have traveled the world and realize how most of the world lives, you don't realize what these brave men and women die for...HOME of the free...HOME of the BRAVE...USA...can you imagine someone loving his HOME so much he is willing to die for it...? Rob did...

Maybe I have been living in LALA land, but this Memorial Service opened my eyes and brought my humble heart to a grateful place...grateful for our brave, fallen heros. They left their earthly HOMES to serve and returned to their sacred HOME with our Lord and Savior, giving their life for us to live...FREE.

Thanks be to God...Thanks be to all the fallen heros who taught me there's much more to HOME then stone and wood ....we carry our homes with us every day...HOME is in our hearts...HOME is with our Lord...HOME is this sacred place we love and will die for....Rob is HOME...and so are each of us as we stay connected to this idea that life and love transcends the stone and wood.

As for O' will be our home for gathering with those we is ours because God gave it to us to use for this short period in time...we will gather with grateful hearts and remember all those who have given us an opportunity to freely build our dreams and live in the comforts of our earthly homes. These homes are temporary...our sacred HOME is with Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with his Father and the HOLY SPIRIT forever and ever...AMEN

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