Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

I sure have been dreaming alot lately. Over the last week, I have had many dreams and most of them have been about Bill or Fritz. Without spending alot of time explaining what may be going on in my very complex unconscious, I will just say this: The year 2011 should prove to be very interesting.

Last night we had our traditional New Year's Eve Celebration at the Hill Top Cafe. Johnny knows how to throw a party with good food, great music and lots of our favorite family and friends gathered to toast. After a wonderful dinner and lots of good Camus wine, we headed to Boot Ranch to sit around the fire and bring in the New Year. Bill and I headed back to Travis Street to watch the ball drop in New York City and fell asleep with Fritz by our side. As I drift off to sleep I count my blessings and review the joys and sorrows of 2010.

O'Mesa has taken much of my energy in 2010 and will continue to do so through 2011 and until this home is complete. It will be our gift to our children next Christmas. I wanted to include a picture on this blog page of our progress but technology is not cooperating with me. Before the sub-contractors and artists left for their holiday, we have most of the stone complete on the backside of the house and the interior insulation just about complete. Jim is getting ready to lay the interior flooring and must have the interior temperature controlled for this to happen. The most significant changes, since my last visit, have been the rainwater collection system is in place with temporary downspouts which will be replaced with copper at some point. Also the chimney caps and small windows with iron accents look quite authentic.

While visiting the site yesterday, I realize that the image I have carried around in my minds eye is coming into physical form. It brings tears to my eyes as I know this is yet another miracle. How is anything transformed without first an intention, thoughts, positive energy and faith. As I comtemplate this idea to build O'Mesa, I remember my hesitation. It is as though I was kicking and screaming not to do this "project" but I allowed what ever was to happen to happen. I know God's hand is in this because from the start I have been fighting the idea to build this "house on the hill". Once I was affirmed on June 11, 2010, I have been following God's lead and it has just fell into place. I heard a very loud voice say " build your house on rock and I will be there".

Going into the New Year, my intentions remain, my thoughts are focused on this home on sacred ground, my energy is positive that it will come together just as it is supposed to with faith and love that it's just one more way that God's beautiful spirit manifests Himself in our world. This is not our home. This is a home God is building using our talents and will remain on the hill side as long as he wants it there. I am grateful for the opportunity to glorify him as I look to the unobstructed view to the North at Enchanted Rock. What better reminder than this that beautiful Mother Earth is God's playground for us to enjoy. YET ANOTHER GIFT. Happy New Year 2011!

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