Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

As I am preparing for Christmas Eve dinner for family and friends, there's alot of sorting going on. We are spending Christmas in Shreveport this year and everyone will be coming for dinner after church. As I set the tables and shine silver, I have piles set aside for things that will go to OMESA for next Christmas. My emotions are close to the surface as I find myself using some of my beautiful wedding gifts for the first time. It's hard to believe that these beautiful gifts have been wrapped and stored all this time. For many years we didn't have the money to entertain and when we did it was picnic style because that is what works best with kids and dogs. Now after 32 years I am using some of my grandmother's hand crocheted linens, my mother's crystal that she was given at her wedding and gifts that people gave us over the years.

A friend of ours lost his wife early in their marriage ( early is after 30 years) and they were not able to live out their life into the Golden Years. After she died, he found drawers of things from night gowns to china, all of which she was saving for that special day. Why do we pospone living when life is right before us? I am guilty, yes, I pospone because my Mom and Dad posponed living. Then my Dad unexpectedly died and never took the trips he wanted to take with mom, never wore his fine suits or ties, kept his finest material things in boxes with the tags still on them. Yes, I am guilty. I want to leave everything for our children too. However today I realize that I have been postponing and it is time to use what God has provided. Reminds me of the scripture about the men who were given money. One used all his, one made more with what he was given and one buried his for a rainy day. I don't think the Good Lord was too happy with the one who buried his nor was he happy with the one that spent it all foolishly. It's a good idea to assess ourselves and try to see those blind spots in ourselves. The hole has much buried and it's time to dig it up and use it for God's glory.

Yes, I will take many beautiful things to OMESA but in the meantime, I will use, give, multiply what God has provided and isn't really mine at all.

There are great lessons for me this Christmas Eve 2010, lessons that life doesn't end at the grave, that love is eternal, that God loves me just as I am ( this pitiful person that tries to be perfect at times), and that the Holy Spirit, God my Father and his SON, whose birthday we celebrate are with me NOW. Life is just as it is supposed to be. JOY TO THE WORLD!

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