Thursday, December 2, 2010

Advent ...A time of waiting

Titus 2:12-12 Let our lives be honest and holy in the present age, as we wait for the happiness to come when our great God reveals himself in glory.

My prayer today: Father, may our communion teach us to love heaven. May its promise and hope guide our way on earth. And as always, we ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN

Today, my heart is full and unsure how to express itself. Several words continue to present themselves: WAITING, HONEST, HOPE, COMMUNION. HOLY....

Waiting ....just waiting...waiting to see what this "home built on rock" will be like

Honest....staying true to the Christ-like values as each decision is made

Hope....for all of us as we wait in joyful hope

Communion...with friends and family as they gather in your name

Holy.... in keeping with our love for Christ that this home remains a sanctuary for all

...and so in keeping with my love for Christ, I am thankful for the opportunity to build this home, waiting to see what forms as it is truly a work in progress, staying honest to the vision, hoping for a beautiful, holy place where folks gather in love and in His name always.

As I pass through the gates, I leave myself at the base and drive to the hilltop with a peaceful heart.

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