Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas 2010

Yesterday, workers continued to work into the early evening because this is the last day before Jim closes the job site for 2010. It's officially the Christmas Holiday! There were 22 men working to get their work complete, particularly the insulation folks from Foam One. This is necessary because soon after the first of the year, we will warm the house and keep the temperatures cozy for the anitque floors to go down.

It was a windy day, so windy that the port-a-potty turn 180 degrees and several temporary doors blew down. It was 22 degrees in the early morning but with the sun shining, it made for a beautiful day. It is the kind of day that you build a fire in the firepit, brew a warm toddy or some hot chocolate, rock in an 'ol rocker and remember the blessings of this year. I suspect we will be doing this at O'Mesa next year at this time.

Today, it is one week until Christmas and I am in Shreveport where we will be having our Christmas Eve celebrations this year. I am preparing for a large dinner, wrapping presents, baking, delivering gifts, decorating the front windows with lights, sending cards, all the while listening to a symphony of Christmas music. At the same time, I am puppy sitting Trey and Gus for William and Jorie and little Frtiz is happy as can be having some "friends" to play. All this preparing for the celebration we will have in honor of our Savior. "Behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel." As I pray: Lord, Prepare us to celebrate with fitting honor the coming feast of our redemption. Let our hearts be humbled by your offering to save us from our sins, sending your son for us to know and let us truly be grateful for all you provide, not letting a day go by without recognizing the sacrifice you made for us, that we may have eternal life, always in love. Amen

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