Saturday, June 11, 2011

At Home in the World

At Home in the World is a book written by John Hill, Jungian Analyst and lecturer at the Jungian Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. I love what he says in his introduction, " to encourage those who are in search of home to continue the quest, for ultimately you are searching for the ground of your being". There's an old Italian saying " dimmi che casa hai e ti diro chi sei" Tell me about your house and I will tell you who you are. In his wonderful book he goes on to descibe the complex relationship between home and identity. His book explores the interweaving between the inner and outer home as encountered in the symbolic space between self and the world.

It has always been interesting to me that Bill "carries his home" like a turtle carries his shell. He walks in and out of the home I created but doesn't really take ownership to it. His home is where ever he is and therefore it seems easy for him to move about often and quickly. For me, I want to curl up onto the couch and just be. To me my home is protection, safety, beauty, consistency, love and maybe a false sense of stability. NOTHING IS STABLE, constant.

So it brings me to this moment in time. Joe Cross, Landscape Architect, told me yesterday that everything will look chaotic before it looks beautiful. I reminded him that all change is chaotic before the new is created and that I am okay with this. Truth is, it is rather uncomfortable. At the moment, I don't have any photos to share because everything looks chaotic, unfinished, dusty...just doesn't look good. For the next month, the dozier operator, Nolan, will be pushing dirt around for landscape preparation. I selected the pool bottom which will be a type of "chip" that will change with the color of the sky but for the most part will look torquoise. I picked this color to companion with the outdoor furniture fabrics. The courtyard fountain is only halfway complete, the barn is up but without a roof, the hardwood floors are down but covered to protect them while the tile setters begin laying the tile floors in the hall/gallery and bathrooms. All in all, it looks like there's alot going on but nothing getting done. TYPICAL of this time in the building process.

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