Monday, October 3, 2011

Feng Shui....Balance in Everything maybe I should have thought about Feng Shui before we started building O'Mesa but like so many things in life, hindsight is wiser. The art and science of Feng Shui is a 4,000 year old understanding which originated in China but is used around the world. Most folks don't understand why or how it works but simply accept that it does work, that balance the energy of one's environment and create harmony and peace. Now that sounds really good to this tired soul! So here's some of my learnings and what I intend to do to Feng Shui O'Mesa. ( a little Chinese mixed with Hill Country Hacienda should be just what is needed, right? The country folk around these parts will say, "forget that business and drink yourself a long neck beer"...)

The word Feng Shui means Wind and Water....we will have plenty of wind on top of O'Mesa and the swimming pool is big enough for all of Willow City to enjoy! The Chi which I prefer to call the "Breath of Life", God or the Holy Spirit is our life force and has been called many things by many cultures. The bottom line is we want this life force to be with us and surround us in every way everyday. There's a way to achieve this in our environment by encouraging the energy to move around the home, the rooms, fill the space so people can feel it, can be soothed and comforted by the "Breath of God". Positioning of doors, windows and furniture help to direct the Chi ( Breath of God) to circulate...flow. In the case of O'Mesa, all the beds are placed against a strong wall with solid headboards used for support. The beds are across the room from the primary point of entry (door) which is the point of entry for the Chi.

Since our bodies are made of 80% water, it's not an accident that water is important and feels good to us, a natural attraction. We enter the home with the sound of water from the fountain and a beautiful reflection/swimming pool overlooking Enchanted Rock. To keep the flow of Chi in the home, we used doors and windows with panes to break up the flow and an antique buffet table behind the sofa. Off the patio there are stone steps and turf before the pool begins and at the far edge of the pool there will be potted plants in low flat containers. This keeps all the Energy flowing back toward the home.

Interesting enough even the water in the toilets is important. Each toilet closet has a door or antique saloon doors to keep the energy from leaking out. It is said that your lids should remain closed so money doesn't leak out especially when you flush!! Funny how this works but water is a drain on your finances/money if you don't have a way to keep it from leaking (flushing down the drain).

The other interesting concept about water is it's direction. Thankfully our pool is facing NORTH and not NORTHEAST, which is the worse direction for water! North is an acceptable direction and the fountains in the front of the house are on the Southeast wall which is excellent! The courtyard will be a very balanced peaceful gathering place for us with both water, fire from the fire pit, and plants in the pots. The ideal for us to achieve is free-flowing, vibrant energy. With a little bit of adjustment, O'Mesa will be in perfect harmony, a Feng Shui Masterpiece!

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