Friday, October 21, 2011 will get done!

What a beautiful day in Willow City! It is now 50 degrees in the morning and evening and 75 degrees during the day...such a relief from the summer heat. SO I am happy to report that Joe Cross, Landscape Architect and his men are putting in the sod/grass around the pool and firepit in the backyard. It looks so good! There were 6 Mexican laborers putting in the sod, hand watering each square and fitting each square piece with the one next to it. You can't imagine how hard this is on your back unless you have worked to do this. They worked until they ran out of sod.

The swimming pool is amazing ( if I have to say so myself!). It is a simple, classic, timeless design with natural stone coping...but it is simply beautiful. Amy Slaughter and Jim Donaldson helped me make the final decision to select the color JADE. I worked with Pebble Tech consultants for 2 days and researched all their colors, looked at a hundred photos ( never knew there were so many colors of blue), took into consideration the sky, lighting, surrounding elements and decided JADE would be the color closest to torquoise, which is the color we are using for some of our accents inside the house. The color is PERFECT! I am very pleased. It is a refreshing, rich, dreamy blue/green color which blends perfectly with the fabrics on the patio. Every decision adds to the total "look" of this home and it is really coming together. PATIENCE is paying off!

This week we are finishing the gate, fencing and Bevelo lighting at the entrance. The driveway looks very handsome with the grey pavers, cattle guard and chip and seal road. The barn is nearly complete as we landscape with a granite pad for the firepit and build the dog houses and kennels for our pups ( Bulliet, Maggy, Kinsey, Trey, Gus and Fritz)....we love our pups! We are still waiting on cabinets and here's where the patience comes in....waiting waiting waiting....we will be blessed to sleep in the house this Christmas but it will not be ready for us to cook, dress, office, or play there ...we may have a bed in the house but the kitchen, closets, study and entertaining areas will not be complete until after Christmas. DARN....

The good news is now we have security, cameras, automatic lights, internet, phones and Direct TV...This home looks like it's 150 years old but we are up to date with our technology. We have a cell phone booster which will help our phones receive good signals, our internet is Bee Creek which is really fast and working well. We also are self sufficient with rainwater collection for the house with our cistern completely full ( 30,000 gallons). Our generator will service a large portion of the house, our cistern connected to our well at the base of the property will service the irrigation and the swimming pool which is totally full of water. It is looking like a home.

....I think it's just one more miracle in my be able to physically see what was in my minds eye, my imagination, come to life...take form.... be truly a miracle. I look at the home and think of all the folks who gave their time and talents to contribute to this sacred ground. SO it's with gratitude that I write's with love that I gift it to my's with hope that it is a still, quiet place, blessed by the Holy Spirit, it's with charity that we all use it for gathering of family and friends, to share fun times and JOY.

Patience is a virtue....I know this first hand...

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