Friday, September 24, 2010

A FULL MOON, Jupiter and Brilliant Stars

When I see a full moon, my Dad comes to mine. Funny, I have had him on my mind and heart alot lately. I guess it's because if he were alive, he would have enjoyed watching us build this home. He would have had lots of suggestions about ways to save costs and ideas on how to build this home SECURELY. I never would admit it but I am just like him. I am so sorry I didn't take more time to just be with him. When a loved ones dies, regrets are part of the loss. I continue to realize my regrets and today I wish I had listened closer to him and to his point of view. He really had alot to say but never really said much to anyone except my mom ( Ya Ya).

The Moon, Jupiter and the Stars are brilliant in the sky and what better place to view them then over O'Mesa. I pray for my Dad and think about how much I have learned about life, love, death and dying because of him. I pray his soul is at peace, that he forgives me and all of us here on earth who may have intentionally or unintentionally hurt him. I pray for him to be with me in my life and in my death along with my Savior Jesus Christ, his mother Saint Mary, and all the Angel and Saints.

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