Sunday, September 26, 2010

WOW...the view is AMAZING

It is fun to watch people's faces when they see the view as they walk through the front doors. Yesterday we had a few folks out to sit on the back patio and visit. Nita Braddock commented that this view of Enchanted Rock was the best Hill Country view she had ever seen. She was so precious as she kept staring in the distance in awe.

"Nature was a mirror of the soul for St. Francis of Assisi
a mirror for himself and a mirror for God. All his mirroring affected a complete change of consciousness in how he saw reality. When Fracis was a young man, he just loved to party. One night he left the party and looked at the stars above Assisi. He stood there for a long time, and he was in awe of what he saw. He said, " If these are the creatures, what must the Creator be like?"
The outer world began to name the inner experience and the nature of God for Francis. It all became a two way mirror through which he could see God and also see his deepest soul."
Father Richard Rohr's adaptation from In the Footsteps of Francis
The last few nights have been exceptionally beautiful. The full moon hung over the east with Jupiter as it's companion. Then as the sky grew darker the stars began to pop out from every direction and it was breath-taking. Bill, Fritz and I stayed out til midnight, in silence. My heart was so full it could burst as I prayed to myself a St. Francis Prayer:
Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console: to be understood as to understand: to be loved as to love: for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning, that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. AMEN

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