Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

"Home: understanding the little and often ramshackle shed of spiritual life that holds such immortal treasure of the soul and thereby vast energy for being and doing- and this little testudo, little refugio, like a turtle's shell, even though it often looks far less promising, is a beautiful protective carapace for the soul, and far exceeds burying oneself in the securely appointed castle filled only with "treasure" of ashes with no phoenix", from my new favorite book, Untie the Strong Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD, page 229.

Home: understanding that it is far more than the stone and mortar, brick, wood or hay, it is a symbol of all there is, all the possibilities. On one special night, our blessed Mary and Joseph made their home in a stable as they traveled through Bethlehem. They carried their home on their backs much like a turtle. These two disciples are courageous examples of faith and love. Thank you to the first Christian family for saying YES.

This year is our first Christmas with our 3 married children spending their holiday with their new families, their in-laws. We feel grateful that they each have receptive, loving new families. Christmas 2011 is special because Yaya is with us and we await the Morrell Family for a reunion on Christmas Day. Home is where the heart is, right?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Changes ....more and more changes....

...tonight I am not able to sleep. It's not because there is anything wrong, I am just pondering, that is, trying to mentally catch up with, all the changes. Tonight I am wishing that life would stay still for a bit while I catch my breath. It feels like I have been running and just need a "water break", so I can tie my shoe, breathe, re-evaluate my course, wipe my brow, before running again. Truth is, change is necessary, important,'s just that I feel like I am "chasing daylight" ...however, when the sun comes up in the morning, I will be good to go!

about this change thing....when we started OMESA, Nicole was living with Ashley in San Francisco, Ellie was unmarried, studying medicine in New Orleans, and William was unmarried, working and studying in Houston. OMESA was a dream. The plan was to build a home to live and gather everyone together, a place for recreation, solitude, restoration, enjoyment, rest, refreshment, got the idea? Well, we are about to complete this home and everything has changed. Nicole and Ashley are moving back to their beloved Virginia, Ellie and Matt are considering a committment with the Family Doctors in Shreveport, and William, Jorie and Liam are moving back to Shreveport and just bought a home 2 blocks from our Gilbert Place home.

So will we ever see our children in Fredricksburg? Will any of them have the TIME to visit? Will my precious children slow down long enough to watch the sunset, the sunrise, the birds soaring with the wind, the clouds moving in and then moving out, meet the resident porcupine strolling along side the barn, or just having a glass of tea on the back patio and sharing TIME with their 'ol mom. Not sure how all this works...this thing called life...we work our lives to be able to afford the enjoyable TIME with our loved ones but about the TIME you can sit for a moment, there's no one there to sit with you. It's this that is keeping me up tonight.

So here's what I think.... I am watching my children do what I did...hard to see at around as they build their careers, building their homes, their lives with family and friends, balancing responsiblities with commitments and taking them all seriously. I guess I was a good mentor for this, because they are all doing this life-thing in a similar fashion: all very successful...whatever that means. So I imagine they will look up in 35 years and see their own children gone, their bodies tired, some family members gone and burned out on their careers ...and maybe ask of themselves the same question, where's everybody? Maybe then they may hear OMESA calling them "home". So with Bill traveling and staying "busy"...I guess I will have TIME to sit at OMESA and I will let you know what I conclude, that is, unless something changes!....

.... so it's with gratitude that I pray...."thank you God for the changes...for children who are living their lives fully, working, loving, growing and living good lives for you. I pray that they can be still long enough to feel your presence in their daily lives, to feel your love and know it's okay to stop running and breathe, to take a water break and visit their 'ol mom at OMESA.

Tonight I think about the love of St. Mary saying yes to you, Lord, as she left her family to join Joseph in their adventure with your Son. During this Christmas season, I am reminded that changes are a part of life, that we can plan all we want as long as we remember YOU HOLD THE ERASER. "

We hope to have all the children in Fredericksburg between Christmas and New Year's. Maybe they will meet Pat ( the OMESA resident porcupine)....and maybe they will want to come back to OMESA again and again...maybe, just maybe....

I hope this home on a rock will feel good to their hearts and they will want to be there to refresh their soul...and sit with their 'ol mom...that is before something changes AGAIN!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Furniture for Cabinets

Our cabinet maker, Ward Johnson, is finally working on the kitchen. We are using Gene Smith to paint the cabinets ( furniture) see, Ward says he is taking longer then normal because " I am not building cabinets, I am making furniture".... hmmm...his reason for taking forever....but they are certainly worth the wait! We have also moved some furniture into the casitas with hopes that we can use at least one of them for this Christmas. The casita #one entrance is shown above. What's that broom doing in the picture?...yep, we are cleaning up and getting ready to move in!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent 2011 Getting Ready

My last blog entry was the Scripture readying Matthew 7: 24-27. In today's Word Among Us, December 1, 2011, the reading is the same with an emphasis on getting ready and livng our lives with faith in God and his word. "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 7: 21.

Yesterday I went to see O'Mesa after spending Thanksgiving in Shreveport with our whole family. Yaya, Fritz and I drove to Fredericksburg on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to "get ready for Christmas". How synchronistic is this! As I am preparing for the arrival of my sister, her husband and all her children and grandchildren, I am reminded that this is the beginning of Advent and the beginning of our preparation for Jesus and for His Second Coming.

I am Getting Ready...that is getting ready for my own passing into the life eternal, preparing for Christmas and the birth of Christ and all that his life and death means to us, preparing for our own celebration of His awesome birth into a world wrecked with pain, preparing our home to welcome guests, visitors, the sick, the weak, the lost, the sinner, ALL OF US who by virtue of being human, need shelter from the world. Jesus' birth gave us HOPE, to live in this world, a temporary, short-lived existance with HOPE for a loved-filled eternal life.

So today as I begin my journey into Advent, I open to the same scripture reading that I opened to the day we broke ground on O'Mesa. Synchronistic? SMILE Because when you know and believe, God communicates and relates to each of us this way! He is awesome! There is no accident, chance, mistake, it's God's way of reminding me AGAIN, to keep my eyes focused on his gaze, that O'Mesa is built on a rock and it is sacred ground for all who come through the gates, pass the equal arm cross symbols on the lamp posts, and leave their worldly attitudes at the bottom of the hill. O'Mesa was built on this prayer and today this prayer is re-remembered as we complete construction this month and as we enter into Advent, a birth of a new life, a beginning, a HOPE for the eternal, the fullness of love ever-after.

And so I pray: "Jesus, you came into this world as a humble, sweet baby, to have allof us look at ourselves in a different way. You brought HOPE to each of us and taught us that there's more to this life than what meets our eyes. I ask for the courage to recognize my own sinfulness, confess and reconcile my weakness and journey into Advent with the peace, love and joy of this season. It is my prayer that O'Mesa stand firm on the rock it is built upon, that everyone who visits, leaves restored, their hearts at peace and the spirits filled with your love. Let us forever keep our focus on our true rock, YOU, our true Lord and your promise for eternal life."

We are heading into the "home stretch" this month as we complete this home on a rock. I am forever humble and grateful for the opportunity.