Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

"Home: understanding the little and often ramshackle shed of spiritual life that holds such immortal treasure of the soul and thereby vast energy for being and doing- and this little testudo, little refugio, like a turtle's shell, even though it often looks far less promising, is a beautiful protective carapace for the soul, and far exceeds burying oneself in the securely appointed castle filled only with "treasure" of ashes with no phoenix", from my new favorite book, Untie the Strong Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD, page 229.

Home: understanding that it is far more than the stone and mortar, brick, wood or hay, it is a symbol of all there is, all the possibilities. On one special night, our blessed Mary and Joseph made their home in a stable as they traveled through Bethlehem. They carried their home on their backs much like a turtle. These two disciples are courageous examples of faith and love. Thank you to the first Christian family for saying YES.

This year is our first Christmas with our 3 married children spending their holiday with their new families, their in-laws. We feel grateful that they each have receptive, loving new families. Christmas 2011 is special because Yaya is with us and we await the Morrell Family for a reunion on Christmas Day. Home is where the heart is, right?

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