Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

"Home: understanding the little and often ramshackle shed of spiritual life that holds such immortal treasure of the soul and thereby vast energy for being and doing- and this little testudo, little refugio, like a turtle's shell, even though it often looks far less promising, is a beautiful protective carapace for the soul, and far exceeds burying oneself in the securely appointed castle filled only with "treasure" of ashes with no phoenix", from my new favorite book, Untie the Strong Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD, page 229.

Home: understanding that it is far more than the stone and mortar, brick, wood or hay, it is a symbol of all there is, all the possibilities. On one special night, our blessed Mary and Joseph made their home in a stable as they traveled through Bethlehem. They carried their home on their backs much like a turtle. These two disciples are courageous examples of faith and love. Thank you to the first Christian family for saying YES.

This year is our first Christmas with our 3 married children spending their holiday with their new families, their in-laws. We feel grateful that they each have receptive, loving new families. Christmas 2011 is special because Yaya is with us and we await the Morrell Family for a reunion on Christmas Day. Home is where the heart is, right?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Changes ....more and more changes....

...tonight I am not able to sleep. It's not because there is anything wrong, I am just pondering, that is, trying to mentally catch up with, all the changes. Tonight I am wishing that life would stay still for a bit while I catch my breath. It feels like I have been running and just need a "water break", so I can tie my shoe, breathe, re-evaluate my course, wipe my brow, before running again. Truth is, change is necessary, important,'s just that I feel like I am "chasing daylight" ...however, when the sun comes up in the morning, I will be good to go!

about this change thing....when we started OMESA, Nicole was living with Ashley in San Francisco, Ellie was unmarried, studying medicine in New Orleans, and William was unmarried, working and studying in Houston. OMESA was a dream. The plan was to build a home to live and gather everyone together, a place for recreation, solitude, restoration, enjoyment, rest, refreshment, got the idea? Well, we are about to complete this home and everything has changed. Nicole and Ashley are moving back to their beloved Virginia, Ellie and Matt are considering a committment with the Family Doctors in Shreveport, and William, Jorie and Liam are moving back to Shreveport and just bought a home 2 blocks from our Gilbert Place home.

So will we ever see our children in Fredricksburg? Will any of them have the TIME to visit? Will my precious children slow down long enough to watch the sunset, the sunrise, the birds soaring with the wind, the clouds moving in and then moving out, meet the resident porcupine strolling along side the barn, or just having a glass of tea on the back patio and sharing TIME with their 'ol mom. Not sure how all this works...this thing called life...we work our lives to be able to afford the enjoyable TIME with our loved ones but about the TIME you can sit for a moment, there's no one there to sit with you. It's this that is keeping me up tonight.

So here's what I think.... I am watching my children do what I did...hard to see at around as they build their careers, building their homes, their lives with family and friends, balancing responsiblities with commitments and taking them all seriously. I guess I was a good mentor for this, because they are all doing this life-thing in a similar fashion: all very successful...whatever that means. So I imagine they will look up in 35 years and see their own children gone, their bodies tired, some family members gone and burned out on their careers ...and maybe ask of themselves the same question, where's everybody? Maybe then they may hear OMESA calling them "home". So with Bill traveling and staying "busy"...I guess I will have TIME to sit at OMESA and I will let you know what I conclude, that is, unless something changes!....

.... so it's with gratitude that I pray...."thank you God for the changes...for children who are living their lives fully, working, loving, growing and living good lives for you. I pray that they can be still long enough to feel your presence in their daily lives, to feel your love and know it's okay to stop running and breathe, to take a water break and visit their 'ol mom at OMESA.

Tonight I think about the love of St. Mary saying yes to you, Lord, as she left her family to join Joseph in their adventure with your Son. During this Christmas season, I am reminded that changes are a part of life, that we can plan all we want as long as we remember YOU HOLD THE ERASER. "

We hope to have all the children in Fredericksburg between Christmas and New Year's. Maybe they will meet Pat ( the OMESA resident porcupine)....and maybe they will want to come back to OMESA again and again...maybe, just maybe....

I hope this home on a rock will feel good to their hearts and they will want to be there to refresh their soul...and sit with their 'ol mom...that is before something changes AGAIN!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Furniture for Cabinets

Our cabinet maker, Ward Johnson, is finally working on the kitchen. We are using Gene Smith to paint the cabinets ( furniture) see, Ward says he is taking longer then normal because " I am not building cabinets, I am making furniture".... hmmm...his reason for taking forever....but they are certainly worth the wait! We have also moved some furniture into the casitas with hopes that we can use at least one of them for this Christmas. The casita #one entrance is shown above. What's that broom doing in the picture?...yep, we are cleaning up and getting ready to move in!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent 2011 Getting Ready

My last blog entry was the Scripture readying Matthew 7: 24-27. In today's Word Among Us, December 1, 2011, the reading is the same with an emphasis on getting ready and livng our lives with faith in God and his word. "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord", will enter the kingdom of heaven. " Matthew 7: 21.

Yesterday I went to see O'Mesa after spending Thanksgiving in Shreveport with our whole family. Yaya, Fritz and I drove to Fredericksburg on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to "get ready for Christmas". How synchronistic is this! As I am preparing for the arrival of my sister, her husband and all her children and grandchildren, I am reminded that this is the beginning of Advent and the beginning of our preparation for Jesus and for His Second Coming.

I am Getting Ready...that is getting ready for my own passing into the life eternal, preparing for Christmas and the birth of Christ and all that his life and death means to us, preparing for our own celebration of His awesome birth into a world wrecked with pain, preparing our home to welcome guests, visitors, the sick, the weak, the lost, the sinner, ALL OF US who by virtue of being human, need shelter from the world. Jesus' birth gave us HOPE, to live in this world, a temporary, short-lived existance with HOPE for a loved-filled eternal life.

So today as I begin my journey into Advent, I open to the same scripture reading that I opened to the day we broke ground on O'Mesa. Synchronistic? SMILE Because when you know and believe, God communicates and relates to each of us this way! He is awesome! There is no accident, chance, mistake, it's God's way of reminding me AGAIN, to keep my eyes focused on his gaze, that O'Mesa is built on a rock and it is sacred ground for all who come through the gates, pass the equal arm cross symbols on the lamp posts, and leave their worldly attitudes at the bottom of the hill. O'Mesa was built on this prayer and today this prayer is re-remembered as we complete construction this month and as we enter into Advent, a birth of a new life, a beginning, a HOPE for the eternal, the fullness of love ever-after.

And so I pray: "Jesus, you came into this world as a humble, sweet baby, to have allof us look at ourselves in a different way. You brought HOPE to each of us and taught us that there's more to this life than what meets our eyes. I ask for the courage to recognize my own sinfulness, confess and reconcile my weakness and journey into Advent with the peace, love and joy of this season. It is my prayer that O'Mesa stand firm on the rock it is built upon, that everyone who visits, leaves restored, their hearts at peace and the spirits filled with your love. Let us forever keep our focus on our true rock, YOU, our true Lord and your promise for eternal life."

We are heading into the "home stretch" this month as we complete this home on a rock. I am forever humble and grateful for the opportunity.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Matthew 7: 24-25

" Therefore whosever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock".

Friday, October 21, 2011 will get done!

What a beautiful day in Willow City! It is now 50 degrees in the morning and evening and 75 degrees during the day...such a relief from the summer heat. SO I am happy to report that Joe Cross, Landscape Architect and his men are putting in the sod/grass around the pool and firepit in the backyard. It looks so good! There were 6 Mexican laborers putting in the sod, hand watering each square and fitting each square piece with the one next to it. You can't imagine how hard this is on your back unless you have worked to do this. They worked until they ran out of sod.

The swimming pool is amazing ( if I have to say so myself!). It is a simple, classic, timeless design with natural stone coping...but it is simply beautiful. Amy Slaughter and Jim Donaldson helped me make the final decision to select the color JADE. I worked with Pebble Tech consultants for 2 days and researched all their colors, looked at a hundred photos ( never knew there were so many colors of blue), took into consideration the sky, lighting, surrounding elements and decided JADE would be the color closest to torquoise, which is the color we are using for some of our accents inside the house. The color is PERFECT! I am very pleased. It is a refreshing, rich, dreamy blue/green color which blends perfectly with the fabrics on the patio. Every decision adds to the total "look" of this home and it is really coming together. PATIENCE is paying off!

This week we are finishing the gate, fencing and Bevelo lighting at the entrance. The driveway looks very handsome with the grey pavers, cattle guard and chip and seal road. The barn is nearly complete as we landscape with a granite pad for the firepit and build the dog houses and kennels for our pups ( Bulliet, Maggy, Kinsey, Trey, Gus and Fritz)....we love our pups! We are still waiting on cabinets and here's where the patience comes in....waiting waiting waiting....we will be blessed to sleep in the house this Christmas but it will not be ready for us to cook, dress, office, or play there ...we may have a bed in the house but the kitchen, closets, study and entertaining areas will not be complete until after Christmas. DARN....

The good news is now we have security, cameras, automatic lights, internet, phones and Direct TV...This home looks like it's 150 years old but we are up to date with our technology. We have a cell phone booster which will help our phones receive good signals, our internet is Bee Creek which is really fast and working well. We also are self sufficient with rainwater collection for the house with our cistern completely full ( 30,000 gallons). Our generator will service a large portion of the house, our cistern connected to our well at the base of the property will service the irrigation and the swimming pool which is totally full of water. It is looking like a home.

....I think it's just one more miracle in my be able to physically see what was in my minds eye, my imagination, come to life...take form.... be truly a miracle. I look at the home and think of all the folks who gave their time and talents to contribute to this sacred ground. SO it's with gratitude that I write's with love that I gift it to my's with hope that it is a still, quiet place, blessed by the Holy Spirit, it's with charity that we all use it for gathering of family and friends, to share fun times and JOY.

Patience is a virtue....I know this first hand...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Feng Shui....Balance in Everything maybe I should have thought about Feng Shui before we started building O'Mesa but like so many things in life, hindsight is wiser. The art and science of Feng Shui is a 4,000 year old understanding which originated in China but is used around the world. Most folks don't understand why or how it works but simply accept that it does work, that balance the energy of one's environment and create harmony and peace. Now that sounds really good to this tired soul! So here's some of my learnings and what I intend to do to Feng Shui O'Mesa. ( a little Chinese mixed with Hill Country Hacienda should be just what is needed, right? The country folk around these parts will say, "forget that business and drink yourself a long neck beer"...)

The word Feng Shui means Wind and Water....we will have plenty of wind on top of O'Mesa and the swimming pool is big enough for all of Willow City to enjoy! The Chi which I prefer to call the "Breath of Life", God or the Holy Spirit is our life force and has been called many things by many cultures. The bottom line is we want this life force to be with us and surround us in every way everyday. There's a way to achieve this in our environment by encouraging the energy to move around the home, the rooms, fill the space so people can feel it, can be soothed and comforted by the "Breath of God". Positioning of doors, windows and furniture help to direct the Chi ( Breath of God) to circulate...flow. In the case of O'Mesa, all the beds are placed against a strong wall with solid headboards used for support. The beds are across the room from the primary point of entry (door) which is the point of entry for the Chi.

Since our bodies are made of 80% water, it's not an accident that water is important and feels good to us, a natural attraction. We enter the home with the sound of water from the fountain and a beautiful reflection/swimming pool overlooking Enchanted Rock. To keep the flow of Chi in the home, we used doors and windows with panes to break up the flow and an antique buffet table behind the sofa. Off the patio there are stone steps and turf before the pool begins and at the far edge of the pool there will be potted plants in low flat containers. This keeps all the Energy flowing back toward the home.

Interesting enough even the water in the toilets is important. Each toilet closet has a door or antique saloon doors to keep the energy from leaking out. It is said that your lids should remain closed so money doesn't leak out especially when you flush!! Funny how this works but water is a drain on your finances/money if you don't have a way to keep it from leaking (flushing down the drain).

The other interesting concept about water is it's direction. Thankfully our pool is facing NORTH and not NORTHEAST, which is the worse direction for water! North is an acceptable direction and the fountains in the front of the house are on the Southeast wall which is excellent! The courtyard will be a very balanced peaceful gathering place for us with both water, fire from the fire pit, and plants in the pots. The ideal for us to achieve is free-flowing, vibrant energy. With a little bit of adjustment, O'Mesa will be in perfect harmony, a Feng Shui Masterpiece!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

O'Mesa View from the Barn

HOME...what is this exactly? today was one of those impressionable days that lingers, that changes your life, that makes you stronger in faith, that matures you, that leaves your heart heavy and joyfilled at the same time. I attended the Memorial Service for Rob Reeves, one of the 22 Navy Seals who died last week in a tragic helicopter accident. People gather in his HOMETOWN. Saint Mark's Cathedral was packed with 100Navy Seals, family, friends and serviceman from all across the country, paying tribute to a fallen hero.

And somehow building O'mesa just doesn't seem important today as I wrestle the idea of HOME. ...seems this young warrior had his earhly home on his back, kinda like a turtle. HOME was wherever he was......yep, he is HOME now once again...that is... he's returned to his sacred HOME. The HOME from which we start and the HOME we return to...and all this fuss in between seems pointless, at least today.

Rob and the 21 others who died last week are only part of the millions who have died so I can go to Tinseltown and eat popcorn, build O'Mesa on a hillside, practice Christianity, live my dreams or not live my dreams, live FREE...

...and unless you have traveled the world and realize how most of the world lives, you don't realize what these brave men and women die for...HOME of the free...HOME of the BRAVE...USA...can you imagine someone loving his HOME so much he is willing to die for it...? Rob did...

Maybe I have been living in LALA land, but this Memorial Service opened my eyes and brought my humble heart to a grateful place...grateful for our brave, fallen heros. They left their earthly HOMES to serve and returned to their sacred HOME with our Lord and Savior, giving their life for us to live...FREE.

Thanks be to God...Thanks be to all the fallen heros who taught me there's much more to HOME then stone and wood ....we carry our homes with us every day...HOME is in our hearts...HOME is with our Lord...HOME is this sacred place we love and will die for....Rob is HOME...and so are each of us as we stay connected to this idea that life and love transcends the stone and wood.

As for O' will be our home for gathering with those we is ours because God gave it to us to use for this short period in time...we will gather with grateful hearts and remember all those who have given us an opportunity to freely build our dreams and live in the comforts of our earthly homes. These homes are temporary...our sacred HOME is with Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with his Father and the HOLY SPIRIT forever and ever...AMEN

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Driveway Pavers and Back Yard Firepit...

....the driveway pavers seen above are used at the front gate and in the circle at the top of the hill....tumbled, chipped and antiqued to have the look of an old driveway. The pattern is called random...also used to create the look of days gone by. The grey color will companion well with the flagstone used on the veranda, porches and walkways.

I wanted the firepit to have a little different look from the house therefore I asked that the stone masons to stack the stone which was collected from the property. I like the look and the texture.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's coming together....

This week has been an important week as the house begins to come together and the interior and exterior become one. I had to stop and re-read that last sentence and re-remember what that means metaphorically. When things come together, there's a sense of peace that everything fits, makes sense, works, it's as if it has continuity, feels authentic, genuine...real.

In order that the interior and the exterior mirror one another, I had to make some changes this week. The firepit in the back of the house just didn't look like the house design so I had the contractor tear it down and rebuild it to my new specification. Now it looks like the house in looks like it has been there for years and is made of stacked stone from the property, an old way of laying stone, very primitive, but native to this area as well as parts of Europe, Ireland, and other countries. It looks really good, simple. Now, on another note, the swimming pool is a bit of concern. It is really big!...bigger then I thought it would be. I kept telling Doug, with Water Scapes, that I didn't want a big pool. Well, it is big and bigger then I wanted. Not sure why this happened but maybe we were supposed to have more water on top of the mesa. I guess I will take up swimming again. I guess we will have pool parties, that is, if there's enough water to fill it!

So this week has been busy: I made decisions about the front gate. The cedar gates will be supported by stone columns which will hold 2 natural gas Bevolo light fixtures. The front gate will look like the courtyard gate which is used to enter the main house. Also this week, I agreed to have another water well drilled at the base to support the one we have and therefore there will be extra water at times of drought. I met with Joe Cross about the landscaping and the hardscape which looks really good. The flower boxes in the back of the house are huge also. Things seem to get bigger in the outer world, bigger than the sketches, that's for sure!

In any case, the entire property is amazing from the time you enter the gates below and until you look beyond the swimming pool and see the view of Enchanted is beautiful. There's nothing as fine as seeing God's beautiful "painting" where ever you look. Not to mention the enormous sky with the ever changing cloud formations...breath taking.

Dal is working to lay the driveway pavers which are a pale grey color, tumbled, antiqued and chipped in places so they look like they are 100 years old. The random pattern is being laid on a bed of sand with sand morter. I was very pleased with the way it looks, solid, handsome.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tiles...Beautiful Tiles

This is just one example of the beautiful vintage custom tiles. The ones pictured are in the Master Bedroom shower.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Barn Grew....

The first barn design was smaller, all wood and designed for utility. Then Bill and I went to dinner to the Navajo Grill with our Fredericksburg friends, Mary and Marshall Cunningham. This fine dining spot has an outdoor area with a large bar and outdoor dining. HMMM...I started looking at this concept and my light bulb was illuminated!...I revised our barn design to include FUN. Why not?

The extra large barn doors on three sides can be opened up for a "party barn" atmosphere...and check out the patio and view off the west side! This may be my favorite view. Our Jeep and Utility vehicle will he housed in this barn but with little effort, these can be moved out and the doors opened for some real fun. I decided on a speckled beige floor that is baked on for cleaning ease, added speakers for great sound and music, vintage style barn lights in the interior and exterior, flagstone patio off the west side, and lots of room for dinin' and dancin'. I think this will be be best spot for BBQ and Beer as the sun goes down in the western sky.

I am not sure exactly why this has been my favorite part of the makes me smile...maybe because I can imagine my kidos with their friends and families enjoying a "doe see doe", roasting hotdogs on the old metal pit, rocking on the back porch as the breeze cools the air and the sun goes down. It is relaxing. It is easy. It is comfortable. It is what brings folks to the Texas Hill Country.

Plan on spending time in my BARN will be where you will find me hanging out.

The Barn...for Utility and Fun

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Homestead

What is a Homestead? Well the American Heritage Dictionary thinks it is " a house, especially a farmhouse with adjoining buildings and land. Property designated by a householder as his home and protected by law from forced sale to meet debts. Land claimed by a settler or a squatter, especially under the Homestead Act. The place where one's home is and to settle and farm land, especially under the Homestead Act."

The Homestead Act is an act passed by Congress in 1862 promising ownership of a 160 acre tract of public land to a head of a family after he had cleared and improved the land and lived on it for five years.

So this is our Homestead! By the time this home is complete, we would have spent more than 5 years " clearing and improving" the land. It took us about 3 years to find the land, almost 2 years to research the materials and work with Cary Kipp, Architect, to develop the plans. Construction began in early June 2010 and will finish by the end of this year, 2011. Our Hill Country Hacienda is a "farmhouse with adjoining buildings". The 3 "casitas" adjoining the Main House are for our 3 children and their families. Each has a sleeping main room, a second room for study, play, or a growing family, also a kitchenette, large bath and a weekend closet. These "casitas" are designed for rest and privacy.

The Main House is for gathering: A Master Bedroom Suite, Mud Room, Gallery for Art, Preparation Kitchen, Open Great Room for food service, dining and gathering, an Exercise Room, Study for Bill and several bathrooms for our guests. The outside areas are as important for gathering as the inside space: Front courtyard will have a firepit and a prayer garden, the back veranda will hold an outdoor kitchen, bar, 2 TV's and comfortable furniture for gathering. Below the veranda is the swimming pool and another larger firepit...and more important, a beautiful view of the Hill Country, Enchanted Rock and the Texas Sky. Who could ever believe that this would be the result of our efforts when we started this project more than 5 years ago?


OUR HOMESTEAD: a farmhouse with adjoining buildings called OMESA.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

At Home in the World

At Home in the World is a book written by John Hill, Jungian Analyst and lecturer at the Jungian Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. I love what he says in his introduction, " to encourage those who are in search of home to continue the quest, for ultimately you are searching for the ground of your being". There's an old Italian saying " dimmi che casa hai e ti diro chi sei" Tell me about your house and I will tell you who you are. In his wonderful book he goes on to descibe the complex relationship between home and identity. His book explores the interweaving between the inner and outer home as encountered in the symbolic space between self and the world.

It has always been interesting to me that Bill "carries his home" like a turtle carries his shell. He walks in and out of the home I created but doesn't really take ownership to it. His home is where ever he is and therefore it seems easy for him to move about often and quickly. For me, I want to curl up onto the couch and just be. To me my home is protection, safety, beauty, consistency, love and maybe a false sense of stability. NOTHING IS STABLE, constant.

So it brings me to this moment in time. Joe Cross, Landscape Architect, told me yesterday that everything will look chaotic before it looks beautiful. I reminded him that all change is chaotic before the new is created and that I am okay with this. Truth is, it is rather uncomfortable. At the moment, I don't have any photos to share because everything looks chaotic, unfinished, dusty...just doesn't look good. For the next month, the dozier operator, Nolan, will be pushing dirt around for landscape preparation. I selected the pool bottom which will be a type of "chip" that will change with the color of the sky but for the most part will look torquoise. I picked this color to companion with the outdoor furniture fabrics. The courtyard fountain is only halfway complete, the barn is up but without a roof, the hardwood floors are down but covered to protect them while the tile setters begin laying the tile floors in the hall/gallery and bathrooms. All in all, it looks like there's alot going on but nothing getting done. TYPICAL of this time in the building process.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Drought...breaking records

I haven't written in such a long time,.... just didn't feel like it. Then my mind started wondering to the weather, it's hot, hot, hot, dry, dry, dry, so hot and dry that it is dangerous. Hmmm...interesting, isn't it? I have been feeling dangerously DRY myself...haven't opened my journal, missal, devotional or prayer book in a very long time. Hmmm....the weather here is at dangerously dry weather, no burn band, and fires are being ignited just by small welding sparks. I guess this is what happens when we aren't balanced with WATER. Dehydration is dangerous...I am dehydrated....oh my...

I will be doing a rain dance for the rains to come...tomorrow, I will start my day with a bit of Holy Water on my brow and ask for my Lord Jesus and his Holy Mother to find my hand...not sure where I lost them on the hot and dry path.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Memorial Day...a day to remember all those who have sacrificed for our freedom, all those who have given their lives so we can live in this country, in the style we have become accustomed, a day to realize freedom isn't free, it comes with blood, sweat, tears and sacrifices by everyday heros. We are grateful, we are proud, we are blessed, we are the United States of America. Thank you God for this great nation, for all those who worked and died for us to live.

In the tradition of this holiday, we ate BBQ, raised our flag, gave thanks and lite candles for those who have gone before us. Bill, Fritz and I went to see OMESA for the first time in a month. It seems that most of the work has been to the pool, the barn, the antique wood floors, tile and iron work. Here are some photos taken with my cell phone and certainly they don't do justice to the work.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Antique American Oak Floors

...200 year old American Oak. This is what the wood looks like before it is stained and polished. Custom Floors from Houston, Texas headed by Lorraine ( I call her the Floor Goddess), installed the floors in Casita #2 this week. They will be finished with a chocolate color stain. The board widths vary from 8 inches to 14 inches in width. Handsome.....

Not just a swimming pool....

Check out the view beyond the pool. It is Enchanted Rock, the second largest granite outcrop in the USA ( Stone Mountain in Georgia is larger). We purposely set the house on the mesa with the front door in direct line to Enchanted is quite stunning. My iphone photo doesn't do it justice.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

TILE...the floors and decorative surfaces

Mike Childs and his crew started the decorative tiles in the casita bathrooms ....and oh how beautiful! I am thrilled with the antique look in these custom made tiles. Each room has a signature color with a tile symbol representing an equal arm cross, the sacred symbol of the divine in perfect balance, both masculine and feminine. This is the shower in Casita #2, the sage bath.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Creatio ex nihilo

...I am still pondering Easter even though the official day has come and gone. Father Richard Rohr mentioned that " Yahweh is always creating something out of nothing ( creatio ex nihilo) which becomes the bedrock meaning of grace." I love this word! Mary and Marshall Cunningham had us for dinner last night and shared a perfect example of this.

Three years ago their son and his friend accidently started a fire on their beautiful Hill Country Property. The fire raged for 11 hours with teams of firefighters with helicopters helping to put the fire out as it made it's way towards their home. It took over a year to clear the debris with help from local students, however, the next Spring they had the most beautiful wildflowers they have ever seen. The flowers were so glorious that photographers came to snap photos of the site. It is natures way ....crucifixions into resurrections!

So all this week Stanley Rabkey and his crew are clearing the brush around OMESA in a pro-active way of protecting our home from the unthinkable...wild fire. I went on a field trip with Mark from Allen and Allen to look at driveway surfaces which we will use to complete the road once construction is complete. This will also create a protection of sorts near the home site. The pool is another protection as it provides a source of water very close to the home and can be used in case of emergency. These are not the things I thought I would be considering as we build this home. However with drought conditions I began thinking about even more protection for years to come. We will use gas logs in both firepits instead of natural wood. This will allow us to use the firepits without the threat of cinders flying from smoldering logs onto nearby native grasses. Both firepits will be in protected areas, one in the courtyard with turf beneath. The other firepit is in the back yard, sunken into a stone patio with a wall seat that will act as a wind barrier.

Sometimes it is not about the way something looks but the way it works....keeping a balance in the decision for function and beauty Creatio ex nihilo....creating something out of nothing...prayfully keeping in mind the lives of my love ones in a balance of love, beauty and protection.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What is chinking?

This chinking stuff makes for a rustic look but more important, it was the stuff that kept the wild animals and Indians out of the poineer's log homes...that is, in days gone by. This mortar provides the protection and security between the logs to give the home strength and insulation. I choose to use the authentic materials with antique beams to provide the appearance of an aged structure.

The chinking is used on the outer courtyard walls and the inner walls of the Master Bedroom and Bill's Study.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Thursday 2011

As wild fires rage across parts of Texas, we can only see the residual haze from the western sky in Fredericksburg. It is the worse fire in the state's history and due to the state-wide drought. So today we count our blessings that we remain safe from the wild fires as hundreds of homes have been destroyed. Here's some of my learnings about this environment and being proactive about safety: I called yesterday to see if we could get Stanley, our neighbor, to remove some of the glorious natural grasses from around the home site to create a natural protection around the home. Not anything we have to think about coming from Louisiana and certainly not as attractive, but necessary all the same.

Despite the drought, roses are popping up everywhere and the blooms are glorious. A beautiful reminder of this Holiest of Weeks and that in all the suffering, there is still hope in the mystery and joy in knowing that death has been conguered through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

As our attention this week is on our own interior journey, the interior of OMESA is being crafted by Mike Childs, who is laying the hand painted tiles in the Casitas. These tiles were custom colored in Arizona with muted colors and symbols of holiness.

The AC units have been turned on so the floors can slowing be laid beginning next week, the iron workers have started setting the balcony railings, the flagstone patios are nearly complete, and the pool will start taking form this week. It is an exciting time since so many subcontractors are working together to build this home...taking a personal interest in the "look", each taking pride in their contribution.

Holy Week...keeping this in mind as we re-remember what Jesus gave up for us to be free. There will be reminders of his love throughout this home, starting with the drive up the hill...the approach to a peaceful retreat.

I spent half my day this past Tueday on a field trip with Mark from Allen Keller Company, road construction. This young,knowledgeable engineer helped me select the road materials that will work within my design guidelines. The entrance and road to the top will be made from a "chip and seal" grey material to companion with the antiqued pavers and the grey mist flagstone. Just like most attempts to find the "look", this one fell into place as though it was meant to be. I stressed I didn't want the driveway to look like a residential community but instead an old mimi ranch site, nothing pretentious, simple, functional, just as it would look 100 years ago. We found a good solution that I think will function well yet provide the "look"...thanks to Mark and his crew.

During this holiest times, I am working on the main drive into the property with thoughts about safety, protection, yet beauty and view. I want it to set the stage for what will be a sacred home on top...and as folks approach, they begin to calm down, see God in the surroundings, find peace in the approach and it culminates in a glorious view of Enchanted Rock....Peace be with you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Western Sky

Chasing Daylight

that's how I've been feeling lately...wondering what is next as this home is being built. Chasing daylight...getting the exterior done so I can concentrate on the interior, such a metaphor for this time of life.

....moving into my birthday weekend with gratitude for 58 amazing years...can't help but wonder where the years have gone. I remember being 35 and thinking " I am doing this thing called family: I am a wife, a mother with a career and a housenote, dog, aging parents, social activites, responsible for 3 children from diapers to college and for their weddings.... how will all this ever happen?" OH MY!.... It seemed as though I would never see the end of parenting.

Now, here I am for the first time in many years, free....I am not the first call when one of the kidos needs or wants for something..... and blessed our we that each of our adult children married wonderful spouses who we like as people and love as our own. This is just one more blessing.

Today the quiet sets in, the phone doesn't ring as often, their lives are busy as they take the path of making their own families and I notice the sun is setting. as I watch the sun fall in the sky, I think my life is a miracle. Just having the opportunity to build this home is a miracle. We were more than bankrupt just 12 years ago. Bill has lived through 2 heart events, me just one, we came to understand the love of a pet, Butcher, who brought pure joy to our life, we saw Nicole receive the Jefferson Scholarship at a time when we didn't know how we could send her to the college she deserved, Ellie graduates from Medical School with the most prestigious honor, William lives through kayaking trips on fierce rivers around the world, Edna Marie wants to see her son after 20 years, Bill's family shares in the love and life of Beth O'Brien when she is taken from us ...and more. as I watch the sun set in the western sky, there's a peace, stillness, love that all is good ...not knowing how much longer I will be chasing daylight, I move to the interior of this home and get busy with floors, cabinets, countertops and tile. This is when it starts looking beautiful! This is when the hard work begins to pay off...another miracle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Casita #3 Balcony

Spring in Fredericksburg

It's April but unlike the saying "April Showers brings May Flowers", we are in a drought. The Blue Bonnets are suffering from lack of rain so even though it's 80-90 degrees during the day, the wildflowers are not as prolific. NO MATTER! It is beautiful in the Hill Country with blue skies, blazing sunsets, crisp nights, flowering roses and tall grasses. The house is becoming a home and Spring has brought it alive with workers, activity, re-newed energy as everyone is working together, helping each other during this birthing time. WOW....that is what I said when I saw it for the first time in 7 weeks. is really a work of art. All the old doors are hung, the interior stone niches are part of the gallery hall, the plaster color is warm and inviting, the stone patios are a rich misty grey flagstone just like the bits of color in the stone walls, the excavation for the pool has begun, preparation has begun to lay the custom color tiles in all the baths and kitchen and all the special faux painting around the windows and doors is complete. WOW...the photos don't do it justice. The detail and artistry is outstanding.

Today, I sat for a bit just looking at this home on top of the mesa. I still don't feel connected to it accept as an art project. Now I am beginning to select interior beds, antique chests to house TV's, fabrics for the gallery bench pillows, iron firepits for the courtyard, the main upholistry pieces for the Master Bedroom and more. It is as though I am the General Contractor on someone else's home, and I guess in many ways, this is is all God's anyway, right? So looking in the distance at Enchanted Rock brings a smile. One hundred years from now, I wonder if this home will still be owned by an O'Brien family member? I wonder if Enchanted Rock will still be enchanted? I wonder if the home will look like when it's 100 years old? I just wonder....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Fireplace for the Master Bedroom

Now why would anyone want a fireplace in the Hill Country? Most people think it is HOT AS HADES in Fredericksburg but the truth is the temperatures drop into the teens during the winter. The wind can be fierce and lowers the temperature significantly. We use our fireplaces and firepits in Fredericksburg more than in Shreveport. Omesa will have 2 wood burning fireplaces and 2 firepits. The firepits will be for gathering in the courtyard and gathering off the veranda in the backyard. I love the idea of gathering in a circle...something about the circle is comfortable, inviting, healing, sacred.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spanish Antiques

Here's a photo of one of the two matching chests to be custom made for the great room. One chest will go on the dining side and one on the TV side. A wonderful antique store in Santa Fe had the originals which were already sold.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Look

This is just one of the pieces I purchased in Santa Fe. This will be used in one of the casitas opposite the bed for easy TV viewing. Each casita is planned with an open entrance hall with coat racks for easy storing, an efficiency kitchen with an icemaker, microwave and antique dish racks, full bath with both a soaking tub and a shower, double sinks with vanity, private water closet with antique saloon doors, a large master bedroom with king size bed, TV stored in an antique cabinet, closet for suitcase storage and weekend racks for hanging garments, an extra bedroom or room for families to grow. This extra room is designed to grow with each of our children from game table to crib to twin beds or bunks or a double bed. Each casita bedroom suite has a similar floor plan but very different in color and design with unique details. Antique pendleton blankets have been purchased for each casita along with beautiful antique throw rugs, Brazilian skins, natural sisals and great looking fiber rugs. This is the fun part as "the look" begins to come together.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

50% COMPLETE.....

Jim Donaldson gave me an update today since we have not been back to Fredericksburg for several weeks. The sheetrock is nearly complete, tile preparations begin for all the bathrooms, stone for the walkways and patios is being shipped to the site, landscape design and pool is out for bid after I approved the revisions this week, driveway pavers have been selected, interior stone walls and fireplaces are nearly complete, antique American Oak floors will begin in a few weeks, all interior and exterior doors are hung and I approved the cedar to be used on all outdoor gates. It is a busy time at OMesa! Currently, I am working on interior design by selecting a few more light fixture, mirrors, antique hardware and finishes for cabinets and custom furniture.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Goods from Santa Fe

I have to confess, after the third day of shopping I had a mini meltdown. This is the time of life when I feel I want to give things away, simplify, you know the knda attitude that " less is more". SO WHY AM I BUYING ALL THIS STUFF? I continued to toss and turn all night wrestling with gut said " what the hell are you doing?", my mind said " remember this is a gift for your children and has value in many ways" and my emotions said " we are entering lent and it's all DUST TO DUST"...then this deeper voice of spirit said " Why are you fighting this? Remember you are exactly where you are supposed to be, let go of the fear, this is God's house, it all belongs to him, trust where I am leading you, enjoy the fruits of your labor, be still and know I am God, what's the BIG DEAL?"...God has a sense of humor, you know...and besides, the dream I had just the night before was reassuring.

I dreamt that I returned to OMESA after being gone for awhile, it was quiet, peaceful. I noticed the apple tree was huge, really really BIG with branches full of apples, so many the limbs were heavy, apples of all sizes and so many I couldn't imagine how I could pick them all. My thoughts went to " Where am I going to get all the containers to put all this fruit so I can begin giving it all away."

Lent has begun now, things don't seem to matter much these days but I continue to make decisions about hardware, pool design, the type materials we will use for the driveway, where the barn will be placed, how the firepit stone will be stacked, where the chaise lounges will be place so the stones will be set in the correct place poolside, how the furniture will be best arranged for conversation, all this while I just want to be quiet and as I remember how my Mom and I gave everything away when my Dad died. I guess I am still wrestling with having one foot in this world and one in the eternal. Do we ever understand? So I count my blessings and all the apples from the tree of life, still looking for the containers to give them all away...they aren't mine, remember....thank you GOD for the fruits I can share and for the humble reminder that things are only gifts when they are shared, given in love.

I look forward to what you, my dear God, has in store ....he sure knows what he's doing and I know I don't! following along....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Santa Fe...I don't want to see another chili pepper!!

Since the Mexicans are cutting people's heads off in San Miguel, I decided Santa Fe might be the safer bet for furnishings. It is definitely safer but many of the fine shops are closed or moved and what is left are mostly rustic, southwest, cowboy and indian in style. There were only a few stores that had the type of furniture I was looking for, that is, more refined casual antiques, spanish colonial or comfortable Mediterranean

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Garage Door Sample

This is a sample of the garage doors without the antique hardware. It is made with antique barnwood to compliment the barnwood used in other parts of the house.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

More about Windows....

"When God first breathes life into the body, it is as if the soul were a blank canvas on which nothing has been painted. From that time we are children, our souls know nothing except what we perceive by looking out through the "windows" of our senses. So we grow to adulthood believing that what we see and know through our senses is all that there is to know." From You Set My Spirit Free by David Hazard

Our windows in this house are made by Eagle Windows. The Eagle bird has keen vision, soars high in the sky where it can see in all directions ( forward, behind, side to side and above and below) and is not limited by any obstructions. The wind carries it for miles as it freely glides.

I prayer that we use these windows to see in and as well as out, that our vision is keen like the Eagle and not limited by our senses, that we can allow the wind ( Holy Spirit) to lift us so we can see for miles, flying freely with the wind at our backs. I guess I have alot of expectations about these windows, huh?

Eagle Windows

Jim Donaldson, our building supervisor, called to say that one of the workers accidently broke a window while setting the stone benches with a fork lift. We discussed how in many cases most workers would not admit they damaged something for fear they would have to pay and their earnings are so little that they can not afford the "accident". This poor Mexican stone mason admitted he broke a 700.00 window today, which could be his wage for the entire week. My heart hurt for him as he admitted he broke the window. So with little discussion I told Jim to order another window saying how surely glad I am that it was a window which can be replaced and not this poor workers leg. How grateful I feel that this man didn't injure himself or another because the window can be replaced but a body part is another problem. Accidents happen, they just do, no matter how careful, "perfect". So at the moment I am not sure exactly how I will reward this good man for admitting he broke the window. Instead my thoughts are focused on how it feels to accidently damage something like this myself... how the truth is easier to admit however how we teach people to lie or not admit their mistakes, imperfection, accidents, for they fear the consequences of their unintentional action.

If only we can realize these accidents are important moments for teaching ourselves and others, how none of these "things" are of importance but this man's heart is important...and some how my heart feels pretty good too ...imagine that!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fritz...and our family pets

Now you ask...what does Fritz and our family pets have to do with OMESA. Everything! You see what is family with out the pets? At the moment our family has 6 pets: Fritz O'Brien, Bulliet and Maggy Snyder, Kinsey Hudnall, Trey and Gus O'Brien.

Each of these little guys/gals presents quite a challange in designing and furnishing this home. Gus is known to "mark" his way through a house with Fritz and Trey following behind. Bulliet doesn't know his strength, Maggy is still a puppy, Kinsey leaves her mark by shedding her beautiful blonde what is there to do since we love them like our children and want them with us as we relax and play?

This week I am designing a shaded dog run with doggie doors which will be connected to the barn off the west ridge. The pets will also have protection from all predators and the harsh environment outside the gates of OMESA within the walls of the courtyard. However, when we are not able to watch these precious family members, they will have the security of their own living quarters. The west ridge is one of the most beautiful views from the top the OMESA. This is where we plan to build the barn with dog runs, place our picnic tables in the grove and move the iron firepit. These dogs never had it so good!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fabrics and Rugs Reflect the Landscape

I spent hours looking at many photos of the European Pioneers, American Indians and all the Immigrants to the Hill Country. Then I spent hours walking our property, picking up stone, arrow heads, spilt rocks, tree bark and all the natural God given materials that make up O'Mesa. As I found myself looking 360 degrees, up, down and side to side from the home site, I could see beautiful shades of sky blue, 7 shades of green, bronze and wheat colored grasses, muted brown and grey bark, wildflowers in white, yellow, purple, pink, red, blue and orange. The fabrics and rugs will be a beautiful blend of the styles of the natives people and of the God's paint brush. The colors just happen to be my favorites: sky blue, earthy brown, poppy red and cactus green.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Hacienda view from the back of the house

Exterior Doors and Flagstone Patios

Here's a photo example of one set of our exterior doors which are made in the old style and brushed with a beautiful blue-green stain. The patio stone shown is the same Oklahoma stone that will be used on all the walkways, patios, courtyard and veranda. It's called Grey Mist. Once the chinking and stone is complete, the grey stone will pull color from the home stone and complement colors in the wood, mortar and doors.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Freezing Temperatures

Old Man Winter is here this week! In the middle of the night, the wind was howling with 60 mile an hour winds gusting, bringing freezing temperatures and sleet with snow flurries. Some of the large trees around town up-rooted including our tall Italian cedar tree in the backyard at the Travis Street house. Night time temperatures are 17 degrees. When I talked to Jim Donaldson this morning all was well at O'Mesa. Our windmill below at the cistern was damaged by the wind but otherwise all weathered the storm.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Doors

The doors are beautiful! All 64 of them. It has been many months since we selected the doors for the interior so when they arrived today, it was very exciting to see them again. The exterior doors were purchased from Architectural Traditions and are made to look old. These copper/green/brown doors are being used in order that they fit secure and add protection from the weather. This was a decision I made for function over esthetics. The only exterior door that is antique is the front door. This door and all the interior doors were purchased from sources all over the world including Mexico, Central and South America. Our source in El Paso helped us find many of these doors. Each is unique and varies in size, color, type of wood and style. It is a challenge for the trim contractor to make door frames to fit each of these. It is also a challange to create a placement door schedule that works in the overall design plan. Because each door is different, it is important to place them in groups so they companion with one another in color and style. This is one of the design features that sets this home apart. How many times have you been in a home where every door is different yet fits the design?